Monday, December 27, 2010

Its Christmas Time

Really? With all the bad news that I have gotten in the last week you wouldnt have known that! My great uncle died, my dad's cancer has come back, I found out I am losing my hair and some test I had done came back bad. So thats how my Christmas went. I was very angry Christmas night, thats when I found out that my dad's cancer was back. I felt like my world had come crashing down. It was a good two weeks while it lasted. I just wish at some point life could get back to "normal". But Im determined now after doing some thinking that Im going to change a few things and learn to take care of myself. I have a few more things I want to look into then Im going to post my goals for 2011!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Hope this day brings your family great joy and blessings!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Whats on my mind tonight....

Sadly I will be glad when Christmas is over! That has not been the year for my family. Even though I have lots to be thankful for, Im just done! This week alone we had another cancer scare, a death and I found out that I am losing my hair. But we will get through all this as we do everything else. I also have been thinking about what I want to accomplish for next year. That blog will come soon! I just hope that next year will be better!! I WILL make it better. Im very excited to start the new year.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I am Being Selfish

Thats right, me! Why you ask? Ive been having a day. Ive been talking about my sister alot today--for those that dont know, she was killed in a car accident when she was 16 and I was 7--and then my mom gave me a picture of my grandparents that had hung in their house. Well this got me thinking about all the stuff I wish I could tell my sister, and the things in life I would be sharing with her. And boy do I feel jipped! And if you dont have a sister, you just cant understand. Growing up she took care of me, protected me from what was going on in my family at the time. And I miss her. I know my thoughts are selfish for wanting her here when God had plans for her, but dag on it, I WANT A SISTER!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hunting Widow

Well hunting has well been on its way. But tomorrow starts shotgun season. And during this time it seems that John is gone a little more then usual. Oh joy!! But I cant complain but some much, as it keeps are freeer full till the spring. I have also decided that next year Im going to have a party for all us wives and girlfriends. So on that note, good luck to my guys!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Lots to be thankful for this year. This past Tuesday was my dads final surgery. And guess what? They deemed him cancer free!! I know this is not the end of the cancer journey, but its a move towards recovery!! Im so excited that I want to sky write it. It has been 11 long months of heartache and worry. I can not even fathom loosing my dad. He means the world to me! Heres my dad's first cancer free picture!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Im Back!!!

I finally have a computer at home again! So now Ill be able to update regularly. Im am slowly working on getting back into a routine and getting things caught up around the house since being back and forth with my dad. But good news! Dad is doing GREAT. They got the tumor and he has to have one more minor surgery and then we should be done!! So lets all keep our fingers crossed. Other then that, everyone is doing great!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Knock, knock! Who's there?

Why me of course! Remember me? I know it has been awhile. Having no computer at home has made me, well be lazy with my computer stuff. But since I had a post on my FB saying my blog missed me, here I am! Well the kids have been in their first month of school. I cant believe I have two middle schoolers, one in his last year and one in her first year!! Its been a treat so far let me tell you! And also a pre-ker! They all have been doing great. Eric is taking shotgun through 4-H for his fall activity. Tina has joined two school clubs, Book Club and Student Council. She is also taking gymnastics. And Sara is taking swim lessons and an hour dance class that is tap, ballet and gymnastics. Im excited with all these new things!Hmmm, lets see what else? Two of the three puppies have found new homes. Hopefully we will find the last one a home. I still have not found my back to school routine yet, as life keeps throwing me these little kicks. The biggest so far--The other night my dad called. The treatments did not work on the tumor. They believe its radiation resistant. So now the only option is surgery. And the surgery is best done by a robot. Interesting, huh? They will do the surgery in October at University of MD. So its been hard dealing with this. Not exactly what I wanted to hear but like all other stuff, we will get through this too.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

To Break or not to Break that is the question...

Well it looks like Tina might have fractured her growth plate in her elbow. She was riding her bike and fell off. And of course this had to happen when I was on my first shift back at the medic unit after a month. The hospital really couldnt tell anything. But they did splint it from her finger tips to her armpit. Sounds comfy doesnt it? We cant get into a specialist till Thursday, so we have a fun filled four days! But I have to give her credit, she had her 4-H Fashion Show today and she still did it and rocked!!! Praying and keeping my fingers crossed that its not broke!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hello out there!!!

Sorry it has been so long! We went on vacation again then my computer has been in the shop. Not really a whole lot new going on here. Eric survived his first week at over night 4-H camp and had a blast. Other then that its been the same ol same ol. For the month of August Im going to focus on giving the house a good scrubbing and cleaning out junk. I cant believe its almost time for the kids to go back to school!! My goal is to have this all done before school starts. So we shall see.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Welcome Watermelon!

Yes thats right! Im welcoming Watermelon. And no, Im not talking about the big fat fruit either!! We have decided, well I, have decided to reopen Clover Farms. I realized that was something I was missing in my life. So today John went a picked up a rabbit and along with its hutch. For free!! And Sara asked if she could named him and she picked Watermelon. So this is one small step. I need to do some researching but hope to get some other stuff going. So for now Im wishing all a bless night and enjoy the picture of Watermelon.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Weekend Getaway

Im sitting here on the golf cart in Bethpage in VA. The kids and I came down for a little weekend away. We have lots of fun so far. Eric and Tina have found friends and Sara and I have been going for rides and to the pool. We've had fun chasing memaw Karen, pepaw Bill and Uncle Bill around on the golf cart. Its nice to get away from it all for few days. But sadly while we have been here, a member of the firehouse has passed away. He has been sick for some time. Now we just have another firehouse angel looking over us! Well I just wanted this to be short and sweet. Im off to ride around some more. After all, we only have one full more day left!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Why do I do this again?

Oh thats right, to provide a service to the community! Volunteering at the firehouse is what Im talking about tonight. But you know, some people there just make it hard. Certain people tonight at the meeting--while I wasnt there of course--decided to throw my name up about me riding at another station that payed for my school tuition. Pretty much everyone there knows why I run one night a week at this other station. So Im just wondering, why number one is it any of your business what I do and two if you had and issue, why not come to me?? Why run your mouth behind my back when Im not there to defend myself? Last time I check, I graduated high school in 95. But yet when I go to the firehouse, I feel like Im right back there!! These are definitely the times when I just want to walk away from it all!! But I love what I do and thats why I stay. But I can say that after tonight, I will have to look into where I really want to be all the time. I dont need the headache of people worrying about my life and what I do. I mean seriously, grow up and mind your business!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Argh...Family..All of them!!

Damn them! Im going to vent about my frustrations of the family. My mother and step dad went away with my brother and his wife and kids for a week. Which I think is amazing. Why? Because when shes home she wont even come out of her room most of the time from sleeping because of all her "issues". The doctors finally said that she was over medicated and changed everything. So we'll see if it changes anything. It still pisses me off though because of all she has missed with my kids this year.

Now on to John's family. Apparently there must be some SERIOUS communcations issues. A few weeks ago there was a party at his aunts house which I found out about after pics were posted to Facebook. No one called us or emailed us to let us know. And this past weekend there was a party for the Fourth of July which we knew nothing about. I mean really people, how hard is it to let the whole family know?? But thats fine. I have decided from now on that we will just plan on having things at our house. Much easier then to worry about whos doing what where.

So thats my story and Im sticking to it!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Not complete...

Thats how Ive been feeling lately. Though I hate to admit it, its the truth. I know I have three beautiful children and I am grateful for that. Im even grateful for the three I lost. But I really want a baby. Next month will be a year since I lost the twins. And I really think I might call the doctor and make an appointment. Sometimes I just feel like theres something missing in our family. So I am leaving it in God's hands, and hopefully thiers a baby waiting out there to be born into our family!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gonna brag

Yes, Im going to brag on my children for a few!! Let me start with Eric. Most of you know that we have had some struggles with him this year with his grades. Well let me tell you what he accomplished the last quarter. He recieved 3 awards, two of which were in reading! This coming from the boy who HATED to read. He had the highest grade in his class. And when his report card came in, his GPA was a 3.1. He had As and B's with one C. And at the 6 week mark, that C was an F. So now my son, you have set yourself up! I will expect those grades ALL the time.

Now for Tina. She had a great soccer season. I had my doubts about her playing because she generally doesnt like hard work. Well she finished the season and even scored one goal! She also had a great week at 4-H camp. She came home with several projects to enter in the fair. And also I might add, she has her first boyfriend. Ahhhh, summer love!

Today my little baby girl swam the length of the pool with out help from me or her floatie. I cant believe she did it! I was just curious to see what would happen and dag on if she didnt make it across. And swam back! So Im thinking that swim lessons are needed here soon to help perfect everything!

Brag time over...Till next time!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I am starting to stress for some reason!! Have no clue why. But this is a video a good friend showed me when shes is having a bad day or needs that umph! It has become one of my favorites and watch it when I need to. So its only natural that I share with you all!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Brilliant Idea

At least I think it is!! I have figured that since here lately the local grocery stores keeping having these great 10 for $10 sales that Im going to keep hitting them up and buying extra. Im thinking (hoping) that if I keep doing this, I can stock our pantry for the fall and maybe winter. I also plan on looking into canning. Wouldnt it be great if I didnt have to shop but the bare essentials? And also our church started doing a food share program so for about $40 bucks I get some really great deals on food once a month. Im even looking at joining one at another church. So hopefully my plan will work!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Puppies?!? PUPPIES!!

I was all set to blog about something totally different until this afternoon when we came home. Now we have been on puppy patrol the last week. I was fairly sure that they would be here soon. I checked on Bailey before I went to pick up Eric and Tina from camp and all was good. When we got home, Eric went to give them water and I get a text from him saying come out here now! I went outside to find Eric standing there and Bailey laying with puppies!! Very exciting! We are pretty sure shes not done having them but only the next few hours will tell. Eric sat down with her for awhile watching her to make sure she and the pups were ok. And then I went down there for awhile and sat with her and talked to her. So tomorrow Ill update with how many pups and maybe a pic.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Well nothing new and exciting here. We are easing into the days of summer. The kids have survived the first two days of 4-H camp so far. Even with getting up at 7 am on their break! Today I have found out that going to the grocery store at 8am is GLORIOUS. No lines, and I got to rack up on the meat clearance. Hmm, what other summer going ons do we have. Ahhhh the pool...Well we have developed a love/hate relationship. Its gone from clear with a hint of green, to cloudy and now its a nice pretty bright green! So Im thinking about dumping a few gallons of Shock It into it and see if it likes me then!! We also have been going to the baseball games at the stadium. Its nice, cheap and local fun!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers Day

Last night I stayed up to midnight to be the first to tell my dad Happy Fathers Day. I didnt expect a reply back right away but got one saying thanks and I love you. Im so thankful that he is with us after the last six months! He keeps getting stronger everyday and when hes ready to eat real food, Im going to cook him what he asked. Granny Or spaghetti. And he also said he wanted a steak so I thought Id surprise him with that!

For Fathers Day, John wanted a grill so thats what he got. Fine by me! Means I dont have to cook every night, but shhhh dont tell him that!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

F is for Effort

Which is what I will give myself so far this week!! The last week of school and being sick was not the best week to decide that I would start getting things regular in this house. I havent done anything Ive wanted. But I know that next week will be more the perfect to start. Why you ask? Because I will be up early every day next week. Eric and Tina go to day camp and have to be at the bus at 8am. So that will give me the jump start I need. For now I will just keep on with the little bit Im doing and put a different plan into effect for next week. Maybe I need to enlist the help of some of my bff's to check up on me so I stay on task!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tina's Fifth Grade Promotion

Well today my second child has graduated fifth grade! Shes had a difficult year and Im very proud of her. I cant wait to see what middle school will bring. And, Eric and Tina will be in the same school again. That alone should be interesting!! Hopefully Eric is nice to his little sister. Tina has already decided to try out a few after school clubs.

My dad also came down to the promotion and out to dinner with us. So glad he could make it. The kids were excited and he was in good spirits!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Start Back Monday

Well its Monday!! Remember, today was when I was going to start everything up again?? Its proved to be Monday!! I am still sick, so I did not make it to Zumba today. I didnt think it would be much fun to blow my nose every 20 seconds durning class. And honestly, I probably dont have enough energy for it today. On the other hand, I have been doing some things around the house. I have thrown in a load of laundry and gathered some trash. I will do the dishes here soon. And then later tonight, Im off for my over night at the MICU. But I will keep at it. I WILL get everything accomplished!

Friday, June 11, 2010

What was that word again?

Oh yes...Projects! Seems that I have mentioned that alot lately. This summer I have decided to take on some home projects, among other projects. This summer I am going to repaint the kids bedrooms and switch them around. I also want to paint our bedroom. Im going to go with a beach theme for that. I also want to repaint and maybe change the theme in the bathroom. And I want to repaint the living room and finally get the pictures hung up! And of course I must get my scrap center set up. So those are the big things. And there are lots of little things, framing the pictures, rearranging some things and so on. Im excited! I cant wait to get things freshened up!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

And so Monday it will begin...

I have decided I will get back into the groove of things then. I have dug out my daily planning sheets. I might even have to dust off my homemakers notebook! Like I said previously, I want to spend the summer having fun. So next week Im going to work very hard cleaning up and coming up with a summer routine. By routine though, I am being lax. I dont want to say this and this will be done on this day and so on. Because we are known to pack up last minute and head to somewhere or go do something fun. Im thinking I will just have a list of what must be done that week. And will plan accordingly. So I will enjoy this weekend of carefree-ness. Because first thing on the list for Monday morning--Zumba!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer will start in this house soon!

Next Wednesday is Eric and Tina's last day of school. Hopefully by the end of next week, Ill have the house summer ready. Id like to spend the least time possible cleaning this summer. Id rather play! I want to go on day trips and spend time at home out by the pool. And of course, I want to scrapbook! I have been slacking this year on that. Hopefully I can get a table that way I can scrap outside some while they kids are playing. I have been slowly filling the pantry with food for the summer. The stores lately have been having lots of good 10 for $10 sales. As long as its stuff we use, I have been stocking up. There are also some summer projects I want to do but will post later. Cant wait for summer to start!! Love it1

Friday, June 4, 2010

Something to celebrate!!

My dad has his follow up PET scan this week. I have been anxiously waiting the results. Well I just got a copy of the email results that were sent to my dad. It showed only a small area that lit up on the scan and no Lymph nodes were infected. And they said that area was very small!! Im so glad the aggressive treatment worked. And Im proud of my dad, I know it was a hard road and there were times when he wanted to give up. He still has some problems eating but that is due to a sore from the radiation. Which will heal in time.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Well hello there!!

I know its been awhile! The last few weeks I have been in a blah mood. Not 100% positive why, but I do believe I have figured it out and have gotten rid of that problem. So now the summber begins..well almost!! Sara graduated the 3 year old program. Eric and Tina have 8 days of school left. We have made a few plans for the summer-baseball games,camp, MOMS Club activities and some pool time. I have also signed up to do a 90 pages in 90 days challenge with scrapbooking. I also would like to loose 25 pounds by the end of the summer. I have been going to the gym, but not as much as I want. So Im gonna kick that up a notch. Ohhhh, I also canned for the first time. Well, I made freezer jam, does that count? Im going to see what else I can do this summer. Id like to have the freezer and pantry stocked by late fall. And there are some projects Id like to do around the house, but thats another post!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Today my day didnt start out as I would have liked. Someone had an attitude because he couldnt go out crabbing and as usual I took the brunt of that. But after that we headed out to the berry farm to pick berries. After that we went to Colonial Beach and played on the beach for a few hours. We then came home to eat dinner. And for dessert....My butterfly ice cream cake!! Which was one of my presents. I also got flowers, a candle and a cookbook. And of course my night didnt turn out that great either. Hopefully all of you had a better day then me!!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Rough day today. A charter member of the firehouse passed away this morning. Then shortly after that we had a accident, which one of the two women in the car died. They have several family members in our community. I prayed for both of these famlies as well as our firehouse family. May the Lord lift all of us up during this time and give us the strength to cope. As I posted on my FaceBook tonight, "Hug your babies and call your loved ones". They might not be here tomorrow.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Been awhile..

I just realized I havent written since last month. Sooo where to begin? Well after being sick for almost 4 weeks, I am finally better. It took a big toll on me and hopefully I will be getting back to my normal self. Last week we took the kids to Great Wolf Lodge. We had so much fun. It was a great time. This past weekend John and I went away for a late 10th anniversary getaway. We went to Ocean City. We stayed in a ocean/boardwalk front hotel. We also had a Jacuzzi suite. It was very nice to get away without the kids. The girls will start soccer this week as well. I cant wait, that will be so much fun to watch them play.

My dad is still hanging in there. He is waiting to take the tests to see if further treatments are needed. He has lost 52 lbs. He has his good and bad days. But Im sad to say that him and my brother arent talking and have decided to part ways. This is the best thing for them at this point. I hope at some day they will mend their relationship but not sure if that is going to happen.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Still Sick

Finally got in to the doctors on Saturday. All this started from my allergies which gave me an asthma attack. Ive never had one like this before and apparently it was pretty bad. She said I was barely moving any air. So I came home with 6 different meds to take. Oh what fun! I go back Friday so hopefully I want have to take all these all the time. I also want to be better for Easter! Thats about all for now. When I feel better I will be back.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Yea for us

Well a little bit of exciting news!! John passes his CDL's on Thursday. So now he will be making twice as much money.So that is deff a positive. Also we got our first tax check. So as much as I hate it, I actually went shopping. At the mall at that! Had to get the girls their cleats. And they also wanted to get their ears pierced. Tina got her second set of holes and Sara her first. Sara wasnt to sure about them that night and wanted to take them out but now she doesnt even bother. And mommy finally got her coffee machine--The Keurig!! It was on sale so I treated myself. Even though the whole family will benefit!! For my sanity and they can have tea or hot chocolate. I also booked our Great Wolf trip and got the kids their tickets to the Blue Crabs games. Today John and I went out again and bought some clothes for Sara and I and some stuff we needed for the house. So thats about all for now! Hopefully things will keep going good!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Chemo Angels

A friend told me about this program a few months ago. It sounded like a good idea so I looked into it and signed up. You can sign up for one of two programs or both. Card angles or Chemo angels. Card angles send cards to a person on a regular basis where chemo angels send cards and small gifts. You have to fill out a questionnaire and based on your answers they pair you up with someone. You can pick a child or an adult. Well tonight I got my first assignment. A three year old little boy in California who has neuroblastoma. Anyone who has the time to do this I encourage you to do so. Its a great way to give back, especially to someone who is going through something so hard. Heres the addy Its well worth it!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Busy Week

And boy it was busy. Not that I did anything I wanted to accomplish! I had the Bowie babies twice this week. And Tuesday I took Aaron and Elly to the park then after we picked Sara up we had a picnic. I also went to a park day with the MOMS Club. Friday I went to a MOPS meeting and I hadnt been in forever!! I had so much fun, Im glad I went back. Then Friday night Tina did the county 4-H speech contest. She did a radio spot, which was a 30 second radio commercial. She did so good, she won a blue award! It was her first time ever. This week Im going to go back to my to do list and see if that helps me. I want to get back on track!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Well today didnt pan out the exact way I wanted. I was up alot last night. I had a hard time falling asleep then John kept me up for a while. Then of course I fell back asleep after I got Tina up. The goal was to get up and stay up. I wanted to start things on the house today. I have lots I want to get done. Especially now that the weathers warming up,the girls are going to play soccer, and I have plans to do LOTS of scrapbooking. Hopefully I can get done some of what I want this week...or at least get started!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March Madness

Not just for basketball! Hopefully the thaw will start and I can get some stuff done around here. Reviewed my goals for the year and ummm they havent been getting done. Well most of them. So its time to get it in gear. Next month is going to start a busy time for us so I want things done..And I want them done now!! The girls start soccer and we have some weekend getaways planned. And hopefully by then we would have joined the YMCA. I need an outlet and I do believe that will do. I get to get out of the house, be around-gasp-adults and Sara will be able to go into the child care while I do a class for myself. Then after that I figured I can get her out and we can swim for awhile. Or Ill go in the evening..time permitting. So thats about all for now. I hope this months brings what I want to get stuff done so we can be ready for the warm weather!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Queen of the...

Sara just informed me she is queen of the jungle. Goody goody gumdrops!! I shall be queen of something too! I will be queen of the zoo. For that fits what I feel like my life and house is like now. I need to kick my butt in high gear and get with the program. I have been SLACKING big time. So I am doing that this week. And I figured that after my little runaway weekend starting Monday I will really start every day. I really have no clue what my problem is. I think maybe it was figuring out what and where I wanted to be. A good friend pointed that out for me. She doesnt know it for she never actually said that but with whats going on with her life helped me figure out mine. Funny thing how that happens! Hopefully now things will turn. Spring is coming which means spending more time outside. Which is where I want to be. Unless Im scrapbooking of course! The girls will be playing soccer. Im hoping to get to the park days with MOMS Club. Or just sitting in the back yard watching the kids play. So this is my re-start of the year!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

And we have been dug out!!

Well the kids have finally gone back to school!! And I have gotten out of the house. And on all days this happened, I had Chelsea's two youngest, Aaron and Eli with me. And did I mention that the kids were on a 2 hour delay? But it all worked out. We figured out the car seat situation in the van, all 3 of them. And Sara didnt have school due to the delay so I took them on a quick errand and then to Chick Fil A for lunch and to play for Aaron had to go to school. And then I do believe I lost my mind!! I paid the water bill but forgot to pay the Smeco bill. Luckily the guy when I called had a sense of humor. I told him I lost my mind from being home from 11 days and had no clue what I was doing. He laughed. Then I went to make Tina in the kettle and forgot to turn the stove on. Minor thing!! Tina was supposed to start cooking class tonight but that was post phoned until next week. Somehow I didnt get that message. Sara is doing much better. We are on day 5 of her meds and hopefully the ear infection will be gone. On another note, I sat down to work on our calendar. Very excited to see that we have lots of things coming up!! I do believe Im done rambling for the night! Till next time..........

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow--The new cuss word!

Well at least around here it is! We are on another storm, with the possibility of another to fall this weekend. Im loving the snow and the time with the kids but, I haven't seen much of John. Hes either working late hours or helping his dad plow. And the in the last 2 weeks, the kids have been to school for 2 half days and 1 whole day. Hopefully they wont make them go late in the summer and they will just take it off their spring break. Wishful thinking I suppose.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Nothing new

We are still snowed in. The roads have been plowed but schools are still shut down. We did manage to get out last night and go to dinner at my parents. Another store is headed in tomorrow night and they are calling for about 8 inches plus...So Im thinking we are looking at more days home! Luckily I bought lots of food and crafts. The girls are going to play soccer whenever the earth decides to thaw out! I also signed them up for a few fun things going on at the community centers. Hopefully soon we can join the YMCA! A couple of friends want to join with us. They have lots of neat classes for all us and they have a pool! So I cant wait. Hopefully this will help me loose some of the weight too. The end of the month Stephanie and I are going on a scrapbook retreat. I need to start organizing for that. And Im hoping--fingers crossed--that when we get our tax money back we can head to Great Wolf Lodge for a few days!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snowed In!

Well its still snowing! It stopped for a few hours last night...Only to give us sleet,rain and snow! And now its back to snow. They said we could be getting up to 3 inches and hour! I just went outside to dig out our fan for the heat pump and was in snow to my knees. That wasnt fun! Daytona had fun in the snow last night, but I know that Hunter is not happy right now. And not sure about Bay since she has not emerged her head out of her box yet. The tree at the end of the driveway has broke and split in 3, so Im just waiting for it to come all the way down. John left early this morning to take his mom to work and to start plowing. Eric is with Freddie plowing. So its just me and the girls! I just put a pot of chicken veggie soup on and we are watching the I Love Lucy marathon. Looks like a day of crafts, tv and hopefully baking if the power stays on!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Warning for NWS


And here it comes!

The snow!! Every channel has predicted a different amount. So heres the range-12-30!! Thats alot of snow! And I cant wait. I went to the store yesterday to get some more food, crafts and games. They--who ever they are--has advised to be ready to be snowed in at home for 3-5 days. Yea!! Cant wait! I just hope I get to spend some time with John this weekend because I know he'll be busy out plowing.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Why does it feel like

I have a million things to do tomorrow because of the upcoming storm? Maybe because I do! My week has been all thrown off because of the delays and days off of school. Oh and did I mention the one snow storm we has last night? So Im keeping my fingers crossed that the kids go to school on time tomorrow so I can run around like a maniac. And Im not gonna mention either that I got the last minute brilliant idea to throw Sara's teacher a suprise party tomorrow durning snack time! And the kids already have off of school Friday. Brilliant!! I love the snow but tomorrow Ill be in high gear. Need to pick up a few things at the grocery store, some project things at the Dollar Store, pay some bills and fax somethings. I want to get it all done tomorrow so I can park myself at home and wait for the snow!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thinking about my dad

I talked to my step mom tonight and my dads having a hard time right now. The 5 day a week treatments are starting to take their toll on him physically and mentally. He is also going through the 7 stages of grief. I hope that hes able to keep positive through all this. Im asking the Lord to left him up and show him that we will get through this! I love him so much and I hate to see him like this.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Funny how the beginning of the week I was blogging about the rain. And here it is the end of the week and we have glorious snow! Must people are sick of the snow,but I am not. There is something peacefull about the snow. And for it being a snow day, it is quiet in the house. John and Eric are off hunting and Tina is at my moms. So its just me and Sara. We have layed in my bed and watched the snow and cartoons. Now she is playing play-dough in her own little happy world. Ive attached a picture of Hunter peaking out in the snow. Thats about as far as he would come, I see someone in this house isnt a fan of snow!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Rainy Monday Morning

Well despite having a hard time sleeping last night-whats new?-I was up at 6 and couldnt go back to sleep. I got Eric up and off to school. And Ive been sitting here playing on the computer watching the day wake up. And it has been rather peacefull! I ate a yogurt for breakfast,in peace at that! Its about time to get the girls up and ready. Today Sara and I are going to a friends house so I can scrap a little and she can play witha new friend. I might actually have to think about getting up early, its kind of nice to start the day with some me time! This week will be the start of a busy week. Meetings, drill, having Eli and Aaron and trying to get some stuff done in the house.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January Updates

Looking back at my posts I realized I have not posted about my dad. Dec 21, 2009, my dad had a PET scan done because he had been having severe ear pain. He had put it off and put it off and finally decided to just go. Well they discovered a tumor on the back of his tongue and the right side of his throat. December 23, 2009, he went for a biopsy. After it was done and he was in recovery the doctor came out and told us that the tumor was cancer and he believed it to be a stage 4. Luckily the day after Christmas, we found out that it was stage 2 but would require aggressive treatment. He will require 5 radiation treatments a week and up to 4 chemo treatments. This will all take place in a 7 week time. The doctors are very optimistic that this will take care of the tumor. Lets just pray that they are right!! This past weekend, we had Sara's birthday party. My dad said he would come down as long as he felt good. Well I prayed all week that he would. And guess what?? He did!! I was so excited that he came down to the party. I made sure I took pics of him!! That totally made my day.

Other then my dad, everyone else is doing good. Today I registered Sara for the pre-k program at Blessed Lambs. Im very excited that she will be going there next year. As far as my New Year's goals, well lets just say that is slow moving!! But Im sure they will all fall into place here shortly. Next week I get to watch Eli and Aaron while Chelsea is in school. Im so excited! I love all her kids so much. I also had an idea for Easter. Im going to have an egg dying party for all the kiddos!! I figured I would set up and provide all the kits. Im going to ask each family bring the eggs they want to dye and a snack to share. It should be fun!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Step in the right direction

Well today I started to head in the right direction. I got up earlier then usually--not much but its a start--I made all the phone calls I needed to except one, and thats because they were closed. I did ALL the dishes in the sink and counter. I also have started laundry. Took a bag of trash out too. Hopefully things stay this way so I can get done everything I want too!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Goals

So Ive thought of somethings I want to accomplish this year:
~Leave the firehouse at the firehouse!!
~Start walking 3-4 times a week
~Getting rid of stuff we dont need
~Getting the house on a regular cleaning schedule
~Eating out less...Someone will just have to get over that!! LOL
~Decorating for the holidays more, even the little ones
~Scrapbooking once a week
~Getting the kids rooms switched around
~Getting back to church more and getting more involved
~Having all of our great pictures framed and hung up!! They dont do any good sitting in the envelopes!!
~Spending more time with my nephews, even if that means just having them here at the house
~Trying to get my dads side of the family to connect one way or the other
~Stop feeling so rushed, life is short, I need to look around

Well that should do it for now!! As I hit marks, I will let everyone know!