Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Off to Kindergarten

Today was Sara's last day of Pre-K. I am happy but a little sad. She is on her way to big girldom!! Of course I took lots of pictures. When I came to pick her up, they were starting to read "Off to Kindergarten". This made me a little upset. I was able to sneak in and take pictures of this. I HAD to!! Then as I was leaving the room, I noticed their book bags hanging up in their cubbies. This would be the last time that all their book bags would be hanging together. So of course I took a picture of that. They sent home a bunch of end of the year papers, and book they had put together for each child(which of course I cried looking through) and a folder with a letter to each child and a poem for mom. (I will post the poem later) Sara is ready for kindergarten. Her teacher told me she is ready. However, mama is not ready!

Its very bittersweet for me. For the last ten years, Ive had a child there. They have been great. I will definitely miss the BLP family.

The Last Two Days....

Have been rough. My diabetes has been acting up. My levels have gone all the way up to 188 and been as low as 76. And it did this constantly through out Monday. It was no fun. Then yesterday I felt like crap from being so drained from the fluctuations all day. I called my doctor and she said to keep monitoring and if it happened again in the three days then I needed to come in. And that I needed to keep monitoring for the next week and call and let them know how I was. Yesterday wasn't so bad. My numbers stayed where they should have.So hopefully it continues to stay that way!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

8th Grade Formal

Last night was Eric's 8th Grade Formal. He had to get all dressed up, including a tie! I took him shopping and Ill admit, he did a good job picking out his dress clothes. And of course he knew his mama was going to make a big fuss and take a million pictures and invite everyone else to take pictures as well!! Eric wanted to go to the dance on the fire truck. Which I understand, was a pretty big hit! At the last minute, his cousin Cory decided to go to the dance as well and rode with Eric. Eric had alot of fun. And I didn't cry! I'm learning this is the first of many steps my little boy is going to be going through in the next few years! Next stop...8th grade promotion :(

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Annoyed To No End

I swear I feel like we cant just get caught up. It seems like as soon as the bills are paid off or up, something happens. We have so much to pay for right with the summer coming up. It annoys the hell out of me! I just want some of these bills gone. Hopefully the crabs will come soon and we can have that extra money. I brought up again about getting a job but John pointed out that it just wont work for us. And hes right. It wont work for us right now. Unless this job will let me work the hours of 9-4, which right now in this economy, theres a fat chance of that happening. The only other option is that the kids wouldn't be able to do any after school activities anymore. Period. Nothing. And I don't think that's fair to them. So I will stay hopeful and keep praying that somehow this is all taken care of.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Yes, I know I have been. So much stuff going on, good and bad! And maybe I should have blogged about it to get it out and get others opinions. I know some changes need to be made. Just not sure where and how those need to be done. And my dad has to go through five weeks of radiation twice a day and chemo once a week. They are just doing this as a precautionary. My dad isn't so happy about this. He wants to take the bar. Id like for him to do that too, but Id like him to take the treatments too, ya know? Its also been a busy month for us. Two school promotion's, getting ready for Sara's recital,soccer,Jimmy coming home and so much more! I promise Ill make more of an effort to update!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Interesting Conversation

Now why this came up is a story in itself!! But last night John and I were more or less talking about Amish customs. Then I was telling him how several of the families at the church where Tina and Sara play soccer, wear dresses and skirts and head cover. To my surprise, he said that he wouldn't mind if I head covered. I thought that was an odd thing for him to say, just because he usually doesn't say things like that. So yes, I have done some research on the subject. Just maybe....